lørdag, august 19, 2006

Gus is a huge fish!

Jeg chattede forleden med sbrugby (også kendt som aba20). Han er en af de helt store drenge i gamet, og siden han ofte spiller mod Gus Hansen, spurgte jeg ham, hvad han syntes om ham.

Her er hans eksakte svar:

"He is way way to loose, his style might work ok in tournaments against weaker opponents but he would not be sucessful at the 100/200 game. Here are my notes on him followed by their meaning.

Notes: DNB, CS, leads weak, PWHOP, NSOP, VB"


DNB: Do not bluff
CS: calling station
PWHOP: Plays weak holdings out of position
NSOP: no sense of position
VB: value bet
leads weak: Leads into preflop raisers with marginal holdings

Så Gus er altså en fisk! - der kan man bare se. :-)

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