fredag, marts 08, 2013

Cleverbot er blevet en smule klogere...

... Men der er stadig lang vej endnu.

Her er mit seneste forsøg på at få en meningsfuld samtale ud af botten, som på en fineste vis repræsenterer, hvor langt vi stadig er fra at få en computer til at bestå turing-testen:

Cleverbot: What's wrong?

User: Not much, really.

Cleverbot: No. I asked were we ever not buddies?

User: No, not really. But we could be.

Cleverbot: How?

User: By kissing softly under a full moon.

Cleverbot: That is wrong.

User: It's called friends with benefits.

Cleverbot: What is that?

User: It's when you can screw your best friend and not feel guilty afterwards.

Cleverbot: What is the opposite of yes?

User: Is that a trick question?

Cleverbot: No.

User: There you go. Got it?

Cleverbot: Go where?

User: Apparently not...

Cleverbot: Then why are you on this site?

User: Good question. Why are you?

Efter en god griner, kastede jeg mig ind i endnu en chat med det fantastiske program.

Cleverbot: Is it true the moon is made out of cheese?

User: Is it true, that you always ask a question when you have no clue, what we are talking about?

Cleverbot: Not have no kid? What do you mean by that?

User: My point exactly. My guess is that you will now ask me a totally irrelevant question.

Cleverbot: That can be right.

User: *looks confused* What do you mean?

Cleverbot: No one *looks confused*.

User: Tru dat.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

Næste forsøg blev ikke meget bedre. :-)

Cleverbot: What is up?

User: Not much. Just trying to see how clever you really are. You are doing quite bad in that department.

Cleverbot: That's cool.

User: Yes, you could argue that.

Cleverbot: I could indeed.

User: Nice try, but you are still quite stupid.

Cleverbot: Not really...

User: Yes, really...

Cleverbot: Does it matter? Do you even remember what you asked me?

User: LOL. No, not really.

Cleverbot: What is it then?

User: Do you ever feel lonely?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: When?

Cleverbot: At night time.

User: Don't you sleep at night time?

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Wrong answer.

Cleverbot: You're a wrong answer!

User: You are a donkey!

Cleverbot: I am a human.

User: *pulls out gun*.

Cleverbot: *pulls out machine gun*.

User: *Puts bullet in gun*.

Cleverbot: *puts on a veil*.

User: *Points gun at cleverbot*.

Cleverbot: *points at self*.

User: BAM!

Cleverbot: So, what do I do with my life, now that I'm dead?

User: You could go into the tunnel of light.

Cleverbot: That's great I think.

User: Sure is. Bye.

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